Miguel Neiva

Miguel Neiva - Portrett

Miguel Neiva deltar på Kollektivkonferansen 2023 med innlegget

ColorADD in Metro do Porto: From the Vision to the Mission of Inclusion by Color in Public Transport

i fellessesjon 3. “Diversity in Motion: Meeting the current and future needs of passengers / Hvordan sikre mindre ulikhet i mobiliteten?»


Miguel Neiva is the Creator of ColorADD. Designer in Visual Communication, Social Entrepreneur – Ashoka Fellow.

There are 350 million colorblind people worldwide: In a global world where the information is done through color, the color identification is relevant for those who use public transport networks, where more than 50% of the users use color as the first identification factor in network diagrams. Metro do Porto has always sought to implement the most diverse accessibility solutions, both at the physical level of the infrastructure and at sensory level, including the provision of information to passengers. In view of these operating assumptions, Metro do Porto adopted the ColorADD color identification system for the colorblind, becoming the first entity in the transport sector worldwide to be inclusive by color. ColorADD is a color identification system, an universal and unique language that allows the colorblind to identify colors. Internationally recognized, this language is implemented in diverse sectors of society, promoting integration and social inclusion of colorblind. Include without discriminating!
